Undergraduate Admission Hotline
+880-2-55668200, Ext: 4001, 6299
  +880 1732 903003 
Graduate Admission Hotline
+880-2-55668200, Ext: 1062, 6463
  +880 1886 271722 

Document verification schedules

Required documents for verification

Student's Documents
  1. Admit Card
  2. All original certificates, mark sheets/transcripts, (original papers will be returned after verification)
  3. One full set of photocopies of all certificates and transcripts
  4. HSC registration card/NID/Passport copy
  5. One passport-size photographs

Parents Documents
  1. NID copy
  2. One Passport-size photographs (one of each).

Admission Fees
Title Fee (Tk) Total (Tk)
Admission Fee
25,000.00 36,000.00
Caution money
(Refundable after completion of a degree)
RFID card 1,000.00
‘O’ & ‘A’ Levels per certificate verification fees 700.00 36,000.00++
For the Pharmacy registration form
(only for B.Pharm)

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