Undergraduate Admission Hotline
+880-2-55668200, Ext: 4001, 6299
  +880 1732 903003 
Graduate Admission Hotline
+880-2-55668200, Ext: 1062, 6463
  +880 1886 271722 

Financial Assistance

Financial aid is monetary assistance from institutional, governmental, or private source that is available to assist students in affording educational costs. This Financial aid could be in the form of academic scholarships, tuition waiver, study loans, and student employment.

Financial aid is available at NSU to help you pay your university costs.

How you will pay for your education is sometimes an important part of deciding which institution you will attend. Financial Aid Office (FAO) of North South University understands student's need and plan for their future career. We also understand that many families need help for filling in the gap between what they can afford and the resources needed to pay university education costs. NSU attaches a high priority to financial aid and the university has a standing commitment to meet the financial need of eligible students. The comprehensive FINANCIAL AID PROGRAM of North South University is administered by a high-powered Financial Assistance Committee (FAC) generally consists of panel of members of the Board of Trustees and high officials of the University.

The NSU student aid program, which encouraged the students to apply for monetary help if they believe that they will need assistance in order to attend North South University. FAO is presently consists of 4 members headed by Deputy Director, FAO started its operation from 1993 being responsible for corresponding, coordinating and organizing the overall FINANCIAL AID PROGRAM to the students. A total of 1210 students have been granted full/partial tuition waiver in Spring 2016 semester. Out of which, 357 students granted full (100%) waiver, 101 students 75%, 253 students enjoyed 50% and 499 students 25% tuition waiver which altogether stands about Tk. 10 crore per year on an average.. In the way to help needy and meritorious students and for the socioeconomic development of the country, NSU has disbursed a significant amount of Tk. 65.00 crore as financial assistance since inception to Spring 2016 semester.

Types of Financial aid available at North South University

Financial aid reflects the University's commitment to a student community that is broadly diverse in terms of race, geography, gender, special skills and talent. NSU offers financial aid (Tuition waiver). NSU offers Financial aid to students under the provision of Private University Act 2010, where students of NSU can apply in the following categories:

  • Financial aid for the wards of freedom fighters (WoFF) of liberation war
    (Quota based waiver).
  • Financial aid based on previous academic attainment and admission test result
    (Merit based tuition waiver).
  • Financial aid based on high academic achievement at NSU (Merit based tuition waiver). 
  • Financial aid based on financial NEED of a student (based on
    humanitarian ground).
  • Financial aid based on Need and Merit of a student (Merit-Need based waiver).
  • Financial aid based on siblings study together at NSU.
  • Financial aid in the form of student employment at NSU (Work-Study
    based waiver).

Who are eligible for Financial aid at North South University?

North South University awards financial aid in the form of full/partial tuition waiver only to the deserving students who achieve and maintain outstanding academic track records as mentioned below:

  • Undergraduate applicants securing 1st and 2nd position in the NSU admission test get full tuition waiver (100%).
  • GPA 5.00 (excluding 4th Subject) in either SSC or HSC and at least GPA 4.80 in the other (excluding 4th Subject) with satisfactory NSU Admission Test Performance.
  • Candidates who earn 7 'A's in O-level exams and 3 'A's in A-level having satisfactory NSU Admission Test Score.
  • MBA and MPH applicants securing highest score in the NSU admission test are entitled to 50% tuition waiver upon admission.
  • NSU graduates, with CGPA 3.80 at undergraduate level would be entitled to 50% tuition waiver upon his/her admission in any graduate level students at NSU.
  • General students of NSU seeking financial aid must fulfill the minimum criteria i.e. the undergraduate students must complete minimum 9 credits and maintain a minimum CGPA of 2.75 and graduate students 3.25 with 6 Credits.
  • Aid for Siblings: Financial assistance is also available for siblings i.e. if two brothers or two sisters or one brother and one sister, whatever may be the case, have been studying at NSU, they would be entitled to 25% tuition waiver each subject to eligibility and they must apply formally during usual aid process.
  • Freedom Fighter quota: Students availing freedom fighter quota must apply formally enclosing with the following documents/details as per requirement of the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs:

     a) Attested copy of ‘Shamoik Shonod’ or ‘BAMUSH Shonod’ of the freedom fighter.

     b) Attested copy of Bangladesh Gazette of the freedom fighter.

     c) Attested copy of ‘Muktibarta’ of the freedom fighter.

     d) Attested copy of the National ID card of the freedom fighter.    

     e) Attested copy of the Birth certificate or SSC certificate of the freedom fighter.

Entitlement of freedom fighter quota is subject to verification from the concerned Ministry. FAO deals with the cases on first come first served basis. However, priority may be given to the children of freedom fighter who are Orphan, children of deceased/wounded freedom fighter or whose parents are critically ill. Continuation of freedom fighter facility is subject to satisfactory academic performance at NSU. Graduate students must maintain a minimum CGPA of 3.00 and Undergraduate students 2.75 at all time for the wards of freedom fighters.

Applicants of freedom fighter quota can apply in all semesters during admission.

However, students in all the above cases must apply for financial aid formally. The authority may review and change the above conditions from time to time. Continuation of getting such tuition waiver is subject to his/her academic performance and other financial aid policy of NSU as applicable.

When to apply for Financial aid and How?

Applications for financial aid are invited from bonafide & eligible students of NSU in every Spring and Summer semester through well-circulated notification. Students seeking financial aid should apply in prescribed APPLICATION FORM available at Prime Bank Bashundhara Branch, Dhaka upon payment of Tk. 1000.00 (one thousand) only. Other than freedom fighter quota and candidates of admission test, In Fall semester, no applications are invited from the student of NSU, while academic progress and performance of the students are reviewed and evaluated. Application should be filled-up properly and submitted to the FAO of the University with necessary/relevant documents within the deadline. Deadline for financial aid application is announced and notified in due time.


Financial aid Calendar

Spring Semester (January to April)        :   Applications are invited in 1st Week of January
Summer Semester (May to August)        :   Applications are invited in 1st Week of May
Fall Semester (September to December):   Performance and eligibility are reviewed

(Freedom fighter quota and Admission Test based waiver are offered in all semester).

How to maintain Financial aid at NSU?

Once students have been awarded financial aid, s/he must demonstrate satisfactory academic progress in academic calendar at NSU in order to maintain the facility of award. As a general rule, undergraduate/graduate students are considered to hold satisfactory academic progress if they achieve and maintain a minimum CGPA of 2.75 (for undergraduate program) and 3.25 (Graduate Program) respectively. Undergraduate recipients of 50% and 75% tuition waiver will have to maintain a CGPA of 3.00 to continue tuition waiver (applicable for fresh recipients of Fall 2014 and onwards). 100% financial aid recipients (meritorious students) must maintain a minimum CGPA of 3.25 or above. Students should also fulfill other conditions to enjoy financial aid. Financial aid facility once discontinued, the student may reapply for financial aid as a fresh applicant. Financial aid will automatically be renewed if s/he fulfills the criteria of financial aid requirements. Financial aid recipients can also apply for enhancement of their financial waiver.

The recipients/awardees must contact the Financial Aid Office in every semester during Advising/Registration process. They must collect their respective registration (Advising) sheet every semester after necessary verification and adjustment of tuition waiver from FAO.  We review and verify academic performance of recipients every semester against   financial aid policies and coordinate with Accounts office accordingly. Aid recipients should pay Tk. 500 (five hundred) every semester in order to renew their waiver facility from semester to semester. 

Financial aid- "POLICIES & GUIDELINES"

  • The minimum eligibility for applying and to maintain financial aid, the undergraduate students must maintain a minimum CGPA of 2.75 and graduate students 3.25.
  • Undergraduate recipients of 50% and 75% tuition waiver will have to maintain a CGPA of 3.00 to continue tuition waiver (applicable for fresh aid recipients of Fall 2014 and onwards).
  • Undergraduate students must complete minimum 9 credits without non-credit course and Graduate students 6 credits to apply for financial assistance.
  • An undergraduate financial aid recipient must register for at least 24 (Twenty four) credits and graduate students 18 credits in a year (3 consecutive semesters) with effect from the semester of his/her receiving financial assistance.
  • Undergraduate and graduate recipients who are wards of freedom fighter must register for at least 27 credits in a year (3 consecutive semesters) with effect from the semester of his/her receiving financial assistance else their waiver facility would be seized. Also, they must maintain a CGPA of 2.75 at Undergraduate and CGPA 3.00 at Graduate level studies.
  • If the waiver recipients withdraw any course or duly drop a semester, whatever may be the case, s/he would not get any benefit beyond the approved period for financial aid. That is, financial waiver would strictly be limited to 12 (twelve) semesters for students of all undergraduate programs except Bachelor in Pharmacy and Bachelor of Architecture, which is of 8 (eight) semesters and 16 (sixteen) semesters program respectively; For graduate program of MBA, this duration is 6 (six)semester, MS-ECO, MS in CSC/CSE/ETE/EEE/CEG, MDS, MREM/ M.PHARM. EMBA, MPH/EMPH, MA in English, MBT, MSEM is limited to 5 (five) semesters, with effect from the semester of his/her first admission. The financial aid would automatically be discontinued after this time-bar.
  • Financial aid will discontinue with immediate effect if recipients are delinquent in any way or if his/her CGPA is less than the requirement or on completion of required credits for degree. Also, the aid shall automatically discontinue for unauthorized absence in any semester by the student. In any case, revival of such assistance might be considered on receipt of fresh application from the student in due course. In case of Semester drop, the student must apply to the Registrar through the respective department Chair/Head. They should also submit a copy of the said application to FAO for information.
  • Financial aid would not be extended to 'Retake' any course i.e. if a student retakes any course, he would pay full tuition fee for that particular subject.
  • Financial assistance may be extended for courses that are not part of the degree but pre-requisites for courses required for a degree i.e. ENG-102, MAT-112 and
  • Financial assistance shall be discontinued as soon as the recipient fulfills the credit requirements for degree under the different programs run by NSU.
  • Applicants should apply in prescribed form along with necessary papers/documents as applicable on time.
  • The student (General applicants) must complete registration before they apply for financial aid. FAO will not be liable for their late registration.

If you need further Information:

Questions concerning Financial aid at North South University should be directed to the Financial Aid Office, NSU or sent through e-mail. The experienced and professional staff members at the Office of the Financial Aid will be happy to assist and guide you at Plot 15, Block B, Bashundhara, Dhaka 1229. Telephone: 55668200, Ext. 2181, 2182, 2183.Website: www.northsouth.edu

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